Many times, adults who have already attained some college credits find that the pressures of work and family responsibilities make it difficult to continue their education to the bachelors degree level. Now, the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and Franklin University have a way to help make a college education more accessible.
The Kentucky Community and Technical College System has entered into an agreement with Columbus, Ohio-based Franklin University to offer students the opportunity to earn bachelors degrees by combining on-campus courses at one of the following 16 Kentucky Community and Technical College System schools with online courses through Franklin: Ashland Community & Technical College, Big Sandy Community & Technical College, Bluegrass Community & Technical College, Bowling Green Technical College, Elizabethtown Community & Technical College, Gateway Community & Technical College, Hazard Community & Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community & Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community & Technical College, Owensboro Community & Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College, and West Kentucky Community & Technical College.
A student earns an associates degree and completes bridge courses through the Kentucky Community and Technical College System while simultaneously taking online classes through Franklin University to complete a bachelors degree. Majors are offered in 24 high-demand fields: Accounting; Allied Healthcare Management; Applied Management; Applied Psychology, Business Administration; Business Forensics; Computer Science; eMarketing; Financial Management; Forensic Accounting; Healthcare Information Systems Management; Healthcare Management; Human Resources Management; Information Technology; Interdisciplinary Studies; Management; Management Information Sciences; Marketing; Operations & Supply Chain Management; Organizational Communication; Public Relations; Public Safety Management; Safety, Security & Emergency Management; and Web Development. Franklin University also offers its innovative MBA, M.S. in Computer Science, and M.S. in Marketing & Communication programs online.
Students have responded enthusiastically to the convenient online format and the ability to fit classes into their daily schedules. They have the benefit of belonging to two schools at one time and are able to access Franklins resources in addition to those in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. Franklins resources include academic advising, a technology help desk, and a library system. Each student also is assigned a Student Services Associate who provides support and guidance by answering questions about transcripts, financial aid, or even how to purchase textbooks.
About Franklin University
Franklin University serves more than 11,000 students annually through its on-campus programs in Columbus, Ohio, and the Community College Alliance. Nearly 270 community colleges in 33 states have teamed with the University to serve students. In addition to offering 27 undergraduate degree programs online, the over 100-year-old university has three masters degree programs, all offered in an online format as well as on campus. In 1999, Franklin was named as one of 15 education organizations nationwide for a U.S. Department of Education pilot project, which ensures that federal financial aid is available to students pursuing college degrees through distance learning.
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